Crown Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Akron’

The Benefits of Having Your Ducts Professionally Cleaned

Monday, April 11th, 2022

Are you worried about your home’s indoor air quality? Have you noticed that your allergies are acting up, even when your home is meticulously dusted? Duct cleaning in Akron, OH is an effective way to enhance your home’s indoor air quality so that it’s providing a comfortable environment for your family. Here are a few of the benefits of having your ducts professionally cleaned.

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Possible Reasons Your Gas Furnace Won’t Stay On

Monday, January 10th, 2022

What good is a gas furnace during an Ohio winter if it won’t stay on long enough to heat a house? Not much, and if this is happening in your home, you may need to call our technicians for heating repair in Akron, OH. Although there might be a simple troubleshooting step you can take to solve the problem, anything more advanced must be left to our trained professionals. Amateur work on a gas furnace is potentially dangerous!

Let’s get down to business and see why your furnace is struggling to stay on… 

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Frozen Pipes: What to Do About Them, How to Prevent Them

Monday, December 27th, 2021

A frozen pipe can not only bring a home to a standstill and cut off water flow to tap and appliances, but it also threatens to cause the pipe to burst. Handling frozen pipes is one of the major plumbing services in Akron, OH we offer during the season, and we’re available 24/7 when you’ve got plumbing trouble like this. 

If you want to know what to do about a frozen pipe in your house, this post can help. If you want to prevent frozen pipes in the future, this post can help even more, so stick around… 

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Setting the Thermostat for Best Heating This Winter

Monday, December 13th, 2021

People often misunderstand how thermostats for home HVAC systems work. They’ll adjust the settings up and down on a whim based on their current comfort, assuming the heater or AC will just shift to accommodate. But using a thermostat this way is almost guaranteed to deliver… 

  1. Less comfort
  2. Higher bills
  3. An HVAC system that needs too many repairs and fails early

Setting the thermostat to help you save money and enjoy comfort this winter isn’t some tricky artform—it’s only a set of best practices you can easily follow once you know how the thermostat and the heating system work together. 

Below, we’re going to pass on our wisdom as HVAC experts to help you have great heating in Akron, OH this winter.

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Is Heating Maintenance Necessary Every Year? YES!

Monday, September 20th, 2021
Service Blue Marker

Is it that time of year already? 

Yes, it’s fall—or will be when you read this. That doesn’t mean an instant change in the weather, but it means the change is coming. Time to schedule the most important heating service in Akron, OH of all: an annual maintenance inspection and tune-up.

“Does it have to be annual?” you might ask. “I didn’t have any troubles with my heating system last year, so can I just skip it this time?”

The heater needs this service each year. In fact, you want your heating system to have it annually, even if you don’t know it right now. Below, we’ll explain why regular heating maintenance is both necessary and hugely beneficial.

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What Parts Make a Heat Pump Different From an AC?

Monday, September 6th, 2021

The heat pump is a nifty invention based on a simple principle: What if you could cause an air conditioning system to run in reverse, so instead of removing heat from the indoor air and blowing it outside, it would remove heat from the outside air and blow it indoors. Presto! The air conditioner changes from cooling to heating. 

Although it may be a simple concept, heat pumps need to have several special components built into them to allow them to shift from cooling a home to heating it. Below we’re going to look at the parts of a heat pump that make it different from an AC, the parts that let it work as both an air conditioner and a heater. If you’re exploring other efficient heating systems, you might also be interested in the most common geothermal heating repairs to compare the maintenance needs of alternative options.

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Why Is My AC Leaking Refrigerant?

Monday, June 28th, 2021

We’ve written before about refrigerant leaks in an air conditioner. The short version: they’re bad news. If left unrepaired, loss of refrigerant in an air conditioner will cause a chain of problems, starting with a rise in humidity and a drop in efficiency, culminating in the grand spectacle of the compressor burning out and you needing to purchase a new air conditioning system. 

Fortunately, if you notice the signs of something going wrong with the AC and call us for air conditioning repair in Akron, OH, we can repair the trouble before it reaches these extremes. We’ll locate the leaks, seal them, and restore the lost refrigerant. To better understand when refrigerant refilling isn’t the answer, check out why your AC might not need a refrigerant refill.

Today, we would like to dig deeper into the refrigerant leak problem. Some people would like to know how leaks like this get started and if they can take steps to prevent them. Follow us below and we’ll examine the top reasons for refrigerant leaks.

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How Long Will My AC Last?

Monday, May 17th, 2021

A central air conditioning system is a major investment. It may not be the most expensive appliance you have in your home, but it’s a vital part of your family’s comfort and you’ll want to get as many years of cooling as possible before it’s time to replace it. 

But how many years can you reasonably expect your current AC to last? At what point should you start considering a replacement unit?

We can provide some answers to these questions, although when it comes to making a final choice about air conditioning replacement in Akron, OH, please work with professionals. Our team can help you to make a decision, and if it’s to replace the AC, they’ll ensure you get a great new unit that’s matched to your household’s needs. If you’re deciding between repair or replacement, explore our guide on when it’s time to stop AC repairs and get a new one.

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Don’t Delay Calling for Heating Repair (Even in March)

Monday, March 8th, 2021

The weather can shift rapidly in March and April and, of course, rain is always a possibility. But once the calendar turns over to March, we find that people are far more reluctant to call for heating repair in Akron, OH when their heater is exhibiting any symptoms less dire than a full shutdown. If they’re still getting some heat, it’s easy for them to figure they can “ride out” the rest of the season and worry about getting the repairs done “sometime later.”

You probably know when “sometime later” will be. It will be when the heater actually breaks down. Procrastination is never good when it comes to a valuable part of your house, and especially not with your heater. To avoid unnecessary delays, explore what can I do to fix my heater when it’s not working? for quick troubleshooting tips.

Below are the reasons to always promptly arrange for professional repairs for your heater.


You probably use a natural gas-powered furnace to heat your home, since the majority of residential buildings rely on this type of heating system. Gas furnaces can pose safety hazards if they are neglected: ignoring a seemingly small problem can lead to carbon monoxide leaks in the house or combustion dangers. Even electric furnaces have potential safety issues if signs of malfunctions are ignored. Learn why a damaged heat exchanger is such a big deal and why you should address safety issues immediately.

Avoid emergency breakdowns

You don’t want to get caught during one of those cold days in March and April (you know they’re coming!) with a heating system that won’t work at all. This is a big risk you take when you allow a heating system that’s showing signs of trouble to continue to run. 

Stop bigger or more repairs

The stress put on a heating system when it’s not working correctly will cause the initial problem to start to worsen. This can lead to a breakdown, but even if it doesn’t get that far, it will be a more expensive problem to correct because of a delay. And one repair issue can create others in a chain reaction—something that can happen in any complicated piece of equipment. Either way, you’ll pay more for the repair when you finally get it taken care of than if you had acted earlier. For examples of less common issues, review uncommon furnace repairs you might run into.

Keeps operating costs down

The same stress on the heating system that creates breakdowns and additional repairs will also force the heater to work harder. And that means it will cost more to run. You don’t want to see your heating bills for March and April take a drastic upswing, not when it’s easy to avoid by simply calling for repairs at the first sign of trouble.

Lengthens system life

Allowing a heater to grind away with a malfunction can subtract from its service life, much the same way a car engine is at risk of needing to be replaced if its needs are neglected. Replacing a heater years before its time is expensive, and timely repairs are one of the best ways (along with regular maintenance) to ensure your heater lives up to or beyond its estimated service life.

There’s no need to delay these repairs when you can call us 24/7 for the service you need. We’ll take care of everything.

Call Crown Group Ohio for heating repairs any time of the day or night.

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Why You Must Change the Furnace Filter Regularly

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

Your furnace has a dedicated filter, which is usually located in a slot on the site of the furnace’s cabinet where the return air duct connects to the blower. You can easily remove the filter from its slot and replace it. In fact, you need to do this on a regular basis during times when the furnace runs routinely.

People are often confused about the purpose of this filter. They assume that the filter does the job of helping to clean a home’s air. Although it does remove particles that come through the return air ducts, this doesn’t have a major impact on the indoor air quality; for true IAQ improvement, a home needs special dedicated filters. What the furnace filter does is protect the interior of the furnace and the air handler from dust and debris. Learn why annual furnace maintenance is also essential for a long-lasting system. It takes from one to three months for enough material to build up in the filter to the point that it needs to be changed for a clean one.

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