Crown Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

Save Money With Prompt AC Repair

Monday, August 12th, 2024

If there’s one thing we really appreciate, it’s a truly satisfied customer. People are happiest when they’ve spent less money than they expected to, and their plumbing or HVAC system is working perfectly again. Yes, that means we’ve earned less money from that customer this time. But it also means they’ll reach out to us again whenever something is wrong, and they’ll recommend us to others. 

This is more valuable than getting more money from a customer in the moment. We want to invest in the future of our relationships with our customers. You’re our neighbors! So we love to share tips for how you can spend less while getting more. Today’s tip: get AC repair as promptly as possible when you realize it’s needed. Yes, paying for repair right away will definitely save you money! Here’s how.

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Why AC Short Cycling Is Such a Big Problem

Monday, October 9th, 2023

Your air conditioner turns on, you hear it buzz to life, and then it cools your house. When the AC shuts off and your air temperature is now at what you set it to on your thermostat, that means your AC went through one full cycle. That’s important to know because short cycling is a huge issue and you need to be on the lookout for it.

Air conditioning repair in Akron, OH often includes short cycling issues. This is when your AC turns on, doesn’t reach the target mark of the room temperature you set on your thermostat, and then shuts off anyway. This isn’t what it’s supposed to do at all, so let’s talk about why it’s such a big deal.

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Should You Repair or Replace Your AC?

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

Your air conditioner is on the fritz, so what do you do? Do you call and get it repaired again, or is it time to bring in a new unit to take care of the job? One way or another, you need something to cool down your home–let’s help you figure out what to do.

With our AC services in Hudson, you can either replace or repair your air conditioner, but you don’t want to prematurely spend a lot of money to put a new unit in. Therein lies the rub, so let’s help you figure it out right now. If you’re unsure, you can also explore when it’s time to stop AC repairs and get a new one for additional guidance.

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