Crown Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Uniontown’

How AC Maintenance Reduces Repair Needs

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Here’s an impressive piece of data for you: when an air conditioner receives regular, annual maintenance from a qualified technician, the needs for AC repair can be reduced by as much as80%. Wow! Any time you can reduce something costly and inconvenient by such a dramatic amount, it’s sure to be worth it. But you might have some questions.

What does AC maintenance involve? How does it reduce the need for AC repairs? Are there other benefits? We’ll explain everything. If you’re preparing for the warmer months, check out our guide on getting ready for summer with AC maintenance to keep your system running smoothly.

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This is How You Know if It’s a Plumbing Emergency or Not

Monday, March 11th, 2024

Sometimes, it’s clear that you’ve got a situation on your hands that qualifies as a plumbing emergency. Are your pipes frozen? Perhaps frozen and then ruptured? Or is there a major break somewhere causing water to gush into your home uncontrolled? These are definitely emergencies! 

But sometimes it can be a little harder to decide if your problem really requires an emergency plumber. How can you figure it out? How serious is the issue you’re dealing with? We’ve got some questions you can ask yourself to determine whether your plumbing problem is an emergency or if you can wait for a regular appointment.

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Your Water Heater Needs Maintenance! Here’s Why

Monday, February 26th, 2024

There are so many appliances and pieces of equipment in a home. Wouldn’t it be great if they all just worked perfectly forever and didn’t need repair? Well, there is a way that you can dramatically reduce the chances of something needing to be repaired: regular routine maintenance. 

People often remember to have heating maintenance done, and air conditioning maintenance as well. It can be harder to remember to schedule maintenance for your water heater. After all, you might only ever think of your water heater when you suddenly end up in a cold shower! Water heaters, both the storage tank variety and tankless systems, need regular maintenance to keep working well. Here’s what you should know.

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What Is an Air Scrubber and Why Do I Need One?

Monday, October 24th, 2022
HVAC technician switching out air filter.

How often do you think about the air quality in your home? Indoor air quality has its own set of issues that often makes it more dangerous than breathing outside air. You need an in-home defense against airborne pollutants.

Fortunately, it’s possible to drastically improve your air quality with a simple addition to your home. An air scrubber in Uniontown, OH is exactly what you need. Let’s talk about the benefits of air scrubbers in your home.

Air Scrubbers Can Use UV Light to Kill Germs

UV light destroys germs. Currently, your HVAC system pulls air through a filter and traps large particles such as pet dander, dust, and debris. Some of those particles still pass through your air filter and recirculate into your home.

This isn’t an argument against air filters, but instead, a stark observation between filtration and scrubbing. Filters and scrubbers work in tandem to provide better air quality throughout your home.

Air scrubbers can use UV light to kill germs that make it through your air filter, like a second line of defense. UV light works with titanium rods embedded inside of your air scrubber to kill germs and clean the air that runs through your HVAC system. Standalone air scrubbers have their own air filtration system and will require their own filters.

Whole House Systems or Portable Air Scrubbers

You can use portable air scrubbers in any room inside of your home if you wish. They operate differently from whole house systems and come with their own unique set of drawbacks.

Whole house systems can work with your HVAC system to filter air as it’s pulled in. This helps decontaminate air at the source of where it’s distributed throughout your home.

While portable air scrubbers are convenient, they require their own filtration system separate from your HVAC unit air filter. Portable units are also fairly loud compared to whole house systems.

How to Know If You Need an Air Scrubber

You can purchase and operate inexpensive air quality monitors. These can tell you the following information about your air quality:

  • Particulate matter levels
  • Air quality index
  • Volatile organic compounds

This information gauges the overall quality of your indoor air, which can definitively determine whether or not you need an air scrubber. But that’s not the only way to tell if you need an air scrubber. Learn more about why indoor air quality in homes is often bad to understand what could be affecting your home’s air quality.

If you feel as though you constantly get sick or encounter breathing problems, those could be signs of “sick building” syndrome. Improving your air quality is the first step to creating a healthier living space for you and your family.

Clean Your Indoor Air Like Never Before

Air scrubbers improve your home air quality and reduce your chance of developing sick building syndrome. If you feel that the air quality in your home is lacking, it’s time for an upgrade. Talk to an HVAC technician today to learn the extended benefits of air scrubbers and how they could be drastically improving your quality of life. For additional advice, check out tips to improve your home’s indoor air quality.

Contact us today to install a new air scrubber in your home today and breathe cleaner air.

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Why Won’t the AC Evenly Cool My House?

Monday, August 15th, 2022

We know that with the summer heat, the air conditioning system in your house is one of your best friends right now. You’ll probably need it running for several hours each day to manage comfortable temperatures, and just feeling the crisp air coming from the vents is a great relief.

However, even if you’re receiving cool air from the AC, you might not have complete cooling throughout your house. Maybe one or two rooms are hotter than normal no matter how long the AC runs. We’re glad that you’re not ignoring this issue, because uneven cooling from a central air conditioner often points toward bigger problems developing—some of which can lead to having no working AC at all! For early detection, you might also consider learning about odd sounds from your AC and what they might mean, as these can signal underlying issues.

We’ll examine several of the potential causes of uneven cooling to help you know when you need to call us for air conditioning repair in Uniontown, OH, or elsewhere in Stark and Summit counties. 

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Why the Indoor Air Quality of Homes Is Often Bad

Monday, October 18th, 2021

Poor indoor air quality is a serious problem across the country according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA estimates that the air quality inside buildings is, on average, worse than the air outdoors. Low indoor air quality is linked to numerous health complications such as dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, and headaches. Some indoor contaminants can lead to long-term effects and serious illnesses. Unfortunately, the trouble today is worse than in previous decades, which is why many homeowners seek out the help of HVAC professionals to improve the air in their homes.

This may sound odd to you since most people think of unhealthy air as something occurring outside. But modern homes have big trouble with maintaining healthy indoor air quality, and below we’ll talk about why. 

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