Crown Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Furnace Repair’

Uncommon Furnace Repairs You Won’t See Coming

Monday, February 12th, 2024

Even a homeowner who has never looked closely at a furnace can probably take a guess at how they work or what components they might have. This makes some furnace repairs pretty understandable. There’s something that makes heat, a burner or a heating element, so it makes sense that this might need repair. Air blows out vents, so there must be a fan and a motor which powers it, which could encounter problems.

But some things that can happen to a furnace might come as a huge surprise. A qualified technician in furnace repair in Canton, OH might not see these every day, but we still see them often enough that we know how to handle them. What furnace repairs are particularly unusual or surprising? Here are a few that might not have occurred to you.

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The 50% Rule for Repair vs. Replacement for Your Furnace

Monday, January 15th, 2024

All good things come to an end, and that includes your furnace. It’s a powerful system you have there, but when it hits a huge repair bill, you have to wonder if it’s still worth keeping around or if it’s time for an upgrade.

Through all the furnace repair in Jackson Township, OH that we’ve handled, we’ve seen various issues and a gradient of repair estimates we have to give to our customers based on the specific problems with their furnace. That’s where the 50% rule comes into play: the deciding factor that helps homeowners either upgrade their furnace, or stick with it for a bit longer. Here’s what it is, and how you can use it to your advantage.

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Why a Damaged Heat Exchanger Is Such a Big Deal

Monday, December 4th, 2023

One part of your furnace is the heat exchanger. Its job is to bring heat from one area to another, as you might imagine based on the title. It also deals with the byproduct of combustion, which is carbon monoxide–that deadly thing that you have a dedicated detector on the wall for.

One of the most important types of furnace repair in Medina, OH is replacing a cracked heat exchanger. The problem is, it’s very rare for you to actually see a crack in your heat exchanger even if it’s there, and the problem could be potentially lethal for you and your family. Learn why delaying heating repairs can make issues worse. Here’s what you need to know about it. Here’s what you need to know about it.

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Uncommon Furnace Repairs You Might Run Into

Monday, January 16th, 2023

You expect your heater to need new filters and an annual tune-up, but what about the repairs that you aren’t aware of? What about the unexpected? There are a few wildcards we need to shed some light on so you’re completely prepared for the next time you need to call for furnace repairs.

Don’t get stuck typing in “furnace repair near me” without a clue as to what’s going on with your furnace. Instead, we’ll run you through a few uncommon scenarios so you can be better prepared. When it’s time to call for repair, we’re a simple phone call away (whether or not the problem is on this list).

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Here’s Several Reasons Why Your Heater Isn’t Working

Monday, November 21st, 2022
Heater system that needs maintenance.

You wake up to the first cold day of the season. After you walk across the icy floors to your thermostat and turn the heat on, you notice something. Actually, you notice nothing at all: your heater isn’t working, and you’re not sure why.

With your heater not working, you need a technician to fix the problem. Let’s walk you through the possible reasons that your heater is giving you such a hard time so you know what to expect when your HVAC specialist gets there.

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Do I Need to Worry About the Safety of My Gas Furnace?

Monday, November 1st, 2021

Some homeowners feel nervous about using natural gas in their homes, even though natural gas is one of the most widespread energy sources for residential buildings. Natural gas does present potential safety hazards, such as uncontrolled combustion and exposure to toxic carbon monoxide, which is a byproduct of burning fossil fuels like natural gas. But when it comes to natural gas appliances, proper precautions and safety measures can reduce possible dangers to extremely low probabilities.

This applies to the gas furnace in your home. To directly answer the question in the title, you don’t need to worry about your gas furnace’s safety as long as you pay the proper attention to the services necessary to keep it working safely.

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Be Cautious of This Major Furnace Problem

Monday, February 8th, 2021

It’s important for us in the heating and air conditioning business to reassure customers that their furnaces are not super dangerous. Gas furnaces would never be permitted in homes—let alone millions of homes across the country—if their operation commonly posed a threat to people. 

But it’s important for us to let customers know there are ways a furnace, especially an older one or one that hasn’t gotten regular maintenance, can pose hazards. Keeping up with maintenance can lower the chance of problems like this occurring down to almost nothing, but a bit of knowledge also goes a long way. To understand when it’s time for a new furnace, explore the 50% rule for repair vs. replacement.

In that spirit, we’re going to look at a major furnace problem that can put your household in jeopardy: a cracked heat exchanger.

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Watch for These Signs Your Furnace Is Failing

Monday, December 14th, 2020

Here’s something you don’t want to happen this winter: a furnace that abruptly ceases to work. Nobody wants to be trapped in a cold house, desperately trying to arrange for the furnace service in Akron, OH to warm it back up. We have 24-hour emergency repairs to help whenever you encounter a furnace failure, but we know you’d rather avoid this sort of trouble in the first place if possible.

The good news is that furnaces rarely fail without giving off some early warnings. If you know what to look for, you can get our technicians in early to repair the furnace (or, in cases of extremely aged furnaces, replace it) at a more convenient time. Below is a list of the more common warnings that you have a furnace heading for trouble. 

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Why Is My Furnace Making That Odd Noise?

Monday, October 19th, 2020

You’ve had your furnace for a few years now, and you are accustomed to the sounds it makes when it turns on and turns off. But then you start to hear something a bit … different. Or maybe a lot different. An out of the ordinary sound or a loud and upsetting noise. You’re worried something is wrong, and that’s a healthy feeling to have, because the furnace system may be warning you it needs professional repairs. 

We recommend shutting off the furnace at the dedicated switch (a breaker switch located near the cabinet) and then call us for furnace repair in Akron, OH. Our technicians can diagnose the trouble and find a remedy so your family will stay safe and warm. Don’t delay addressing major furnace problems that can worsen over time.

Let’s take a look at what those sounds might mean:

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