Crown Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Akron’

Why AC Short Cycling Is Such a Big Problem

Monday, October 9th, 2023

Your air conditioner turns on, you hear it buzz to life, and then it cools your house. When the AC shuts off and your air temperature is now at what you set it to on your thermostat, that means your AC went through one full cycle. That’s important to know because short cycling is a huge issue and you need to be on the lookout for it.

Air conditioning repair in Akron, OH often includes short cycling issues. This is when your AC turns on, doesn’t reach the target mark of the room temperature you set on your thermostat, and then shuts off anyway. This isn’t what it’s supposed to do at all, so let’s talk about why it’s such a big deal.

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How Duct Sealing Saves You Money on Your Cooling Bills

Monday, August 28th, 2023

Your air conditioner relies on a steady intake of air, and that often gets all the focus. We talk about changing the AC filter, clearing obstructions from the intake, and what all that does to the condenser coil.

But let’s pump the breaks for a minute–what about the other half of your system’s airflow? Your ductwork is the delivery system for conditioned air, and it might be the cause of your airflow and inefficiency problems. Duct sealing in Akron can help, and here’s how.

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5 Problems AC Maintenance Prevents

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

Maintenance is used to prevent problems from springing up in the first place, but a staggering percentage of homeowners don’t actually keep up with maintenance. It leads to problems down the line that simple AC maintenance in Akron could’ve prevented.

Let’s go over the top five problems that you need to look out for. That way, you know exactly what’s going on with your air conditioner. You can’t prevent every repair call, but you can seriously lower the amount you’ll face during your AC’s lifespan.

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Situations That Require Expert Plumbers To Help

Monday, June 5th, 2023

Plumbing problems come and go, but some of them are more disruptive than the last. It’s important to know which ones you’re supposed to call the experts for, and which ones you can handle yourself. Today, we’ll focus on the big issues that require an experienced set of hands.

When you’re looking for plumbers in Akron, it’s for a good reason. Let’s talk about what those good reasons might be so you know you’re not worried about that plumbing problem for nothing.

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Why is Water Coming Through My Kitchen Floor?

Monday, February 27th, 2023

We’re the plumbers in Akron Ohio who have seen just about every type of plumbing problem possible, but when you think of a plumber, the first thoughts that come to mind may be fixing a sink, toilet, or drain.

What about when water begins to rise through your kitchen floor? It’s a plumbing issue, but where do you even begin to uncover its cause? We know, and the reasons behind rising kitchen water may shock you. If your water bills have also been unusually high, it could indicate hidden leaks causing excessive water usage.

As a note, this is a serious problem that will definitely cause some level of property damage. This requires a fast reaction to mitigate damage and stop the cost of repairs from increasing.

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Why Do Water Pipes Sometimes Burst in the Winter?

Monday, September 12th, 2022

The summer weather is still here and it’s still hot—so we thought we’d cool you down a bit with some talk of ice. Specifically, we’re going to answer a question many homeowners have about winter conditions and their plumbing: Why do water pipes sometimes burst in the winter? 

We’re not talking about this just as a nice break from the heat. Fall is almost here, and that’s the time to make preparations to prevent pipe bursting in the winter. A bit of precaution goes a long way when it comes to stopping this problem in your home.  If you’re already noticing low water pressure at home, it could indicate underlying issues that may worsen in the winter.

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How to Keep Your AC Running When the Summer Heat Is On

Monday, August 1st, 2022

The big heat of the summer has arrived, and we can expect the scorching days to continue in the near future. It’s during heat waves like this that the air conditioning system in a home becomes more than just a comfort device. It’s essential for daily living and it can even be a lifesaver.

Here’s the problem: the more heat, the more an AC has to work. And the more an AC has to work, the faster it wears down and the more likely it might overheat and fail. We don’t want you to face a problem like this in the second half of summer! We have air conditioning repair in Akron, OH to help if your air conditioning system runs into trouble, but we know you’d rather avoid trouble in the first place. That’s why we have this post. It contains helpful advice on how to keep your AC healthy and working during the worst summer heat.

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Water Leaking From the AC? Here’s Why…

Monday, July 4th, 2022

We’ve written before about refrigerant leaks in air conditioners and why they’re a serious problem. But refrigerant isn’t the only thing that can leak from an air conditioner. You might notice water dripping from the indoor unit of your AC. If your immediate thought is that this isn’t right, you’re 100% correct. Water leaks from an air conditioner may not be as big a problem as refrigerant leaks, but they’re still a problem and it’s best to call us for air conditioning repair in Akron, OH to get it fixed. To learn more about refrigerant leaks, explore why AC systems leak refrigerant and why addressing them promptly is critical.

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The Benefits of Having Your Ducts Professionally Cleaned

Monday, April 11th, 2022

Are you worried about your home’s indoor air quality? Have you noticed that your allergies are acting up, even when your home is meticulously dusted? Duct cleaning in Akron, OH is an effective way to enhance your home’s indoor air quality so that it’s providing a comfortable environment for your family. Here are a few of the benefits of having your ducts professionally cleaned.

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Possible Reasons Your Gas Furnace Won’t Stay On

Monday, January 10th, 2022

What good is a gas furnace during an Ohio winter if it won’t stay on long enough to heat a house? Not much, and if this is happening in your home, you may need to call our technicians for heating repair in Akron, OH. Although there might be a simple troubleshooting step you can take to solve the problem, anything more advanced must be left to our trained professionals. Amateur work on a gas furnace is potentially dangerous!

Let’s get down to business and see why your furnace is struggling to stay on… 

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