Crown Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning System Repair’

5 Problems AC Maintenance Prevents

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

Maintenance is used to prevent problems from springing up in the first place, but a staggering percentage of homeowners don’t actually keep up with maintenance. It leads to problems down the line that simple AC maintenance in Akron could’ve prevented.

Let’s go over the top five problems that you need to look out for. That way, you know exactly what’s going on with your air conditioner. You can’t prevent every repair call, but you can seriously lower the amount you’ll face during your AC’s lifespan.

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Why Won’t the AC Evenly Cool My House?

Monday, August 15th, 2022

We know that with the summer heat, the air conditioning system in your house is one of your best friends right now. You’ll probably need it running for several hours each day to manage comfortable temperatures, and just feeling the crisp air coming from the vents is a great relief.

However, even if you’re receiving cool air from the AC, you might not have complete cooling throughout your house. Maybe one or two rooms are hotter than normal no matter how long the AC runs. We’re glad that you’re not ignoring this issue, because uneven cooling from a central air conditioner often points toward bigger problems developing—some of which can lead to having no working AC at all! For early detection, you might also consider learning about odd sounds from your AC and what they might mean, as these can signal underlying issues.

We’ll examine several of the potential causes of uneven cooling to help you know when you need to call us for air conditioning repair in Uniontown, OH, or elsewhere in Stark and Summit counties. 

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How to Keep Your AC Running When the Summer Heat Is On

Monday, August 1st, 2022

The big heat of the summer has arrived, and we can expect the scorching days to continue in the near future. It’s during heat waves like this that the air conditioning system in a home becomes more than just a comfort device. It’s essential for daily living and it can even be a lifesaver.

Here’s the problem: the more heat, the more an AC has to work. And the more an AC has to work, the faster it wears down and the more likely it might overheat and fail. We don’t want you to face a problem like this in the second half of summer! We have air conditioning repair in Akron, OH to help if your air conditioning system runs into trouble, but we know you’d rather avoid trouble in the first place. That’s why we have this post. It contains helpful advice on how to keep your AC healthy and working during the worst summer heat.

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Odd Sounds From Your AC and What They Might Mean

Monday, July 18th, 2022

An air conditioner has several ways of sounding a warning siren that it needs professional repairs. One of those sirens is, appropriately, odd noises. 

Modern air conditioners run quieter than ever, but you’ll still hear a similar set of sounds while one operates: the whir of the blower fan, the movement of air through the vents, the hum of the compressor, the occasional drip of water, and brief clicking as the unit powers down. When different sounds intrude or the AC starts becoming much louder than before, pay close attention—these sounds give you an idea of what’s wrong and when it’s time to call for a professional to fix it. If you’re unsure whether to repair or replace the system, review our guide on should you repair or replace your AC for insights.

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Water Leaking From the AC? Here’s Why…

Monday, July 4th, 2022

We’ve written before about refrigerant leaks in air conditioners and why they’re a serious problem. But refrigerant isn’t the only thing that can leak from an air conditioner. You might notice water dripping from the indoor unit of your AC. If your immediate thought is that this isn’t right, you’re 100% correct. Water leaks from an air conditioner may not be as big a problem as refrigerant leaks, but they’re still a problem and it’s best to call us for air conditioning repair in Akron, OH to get it fixed. To learn more about refrigerant leaks, explore why AC systems leak refrigerant and why addressing them promptly is critical.

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Get Ready for Summer With AC Maintenance

Monday, May 23rd, 2022

How do you like to get ready for summer? You probably have a list of exciting activities you want to enjoy and ways to relax. We want to help you get the most out of your summer, and that’s why we’re writing this reminder that one of the best preparations you can make for the summer is to ensure you’ll have a working and energy-efficient air conditioner. The way to do that: call us to schedule your annual air conditioning maintenance tune-up and inspection.

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What Parts Make a Heat Pump Different From an AC?

Monday, September 6th, 2021

The heat pump is a nifty invention based on a simple principle: What if you could cause an air conditioning system to run in reverse, so instead of removing heat from the indoor air and blowing it outside, it would remove heat from the outside air and blow it indoors. Presto! The air conditioner changes from cooling to heating. 

Although it may be a simple concept, heat pumps need to have several special components built into them to allow them to shift from cooling a home to heating it. Below we’re going to look at the parts of a heat pump that make it different from an AC, the parts that let it work as both an air conditioner and a heater. If you’re exploring other efficient heating systems, you might also be interested in the most common geothermal heating repairs to compare the maintenance needs of alternative options.

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Considering Your AC’s Future at the End of Summer

Monday, August 23rd, 2021

Fall officially starts in less than a month. But that doesn’t mean the hot weather abruptly stops: you can anticipate more steady work from your AC cooling down your home and keeping your family comfortable for a bit longer.

But as this is the end of the summer, it’s still the right time to analyze how your AC performed over the season. This can help you make some important decisions choices about your cooling system’s future. Maybe you overlooked an important air conditioning repair in Hartville, OH and can schedule it in time to prevent it from becoming more expensive. Or you may realize your AC is ready to retire when the fall cool arrives so you can replace it with a new unit. We’re here to lead you through this process. We promise it doesn’t take long and you’ll have a better understanding of where you and your AC are going.

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Why Is My AC Leaking Refrigerant?

Monday, June 28th, 2021

We’ve written before about refrigerant leaks in an air conditioner. The short version: they’re bad news. If left unrepaired, loss of refrigerant in an air conditioner will cause a chain of problems, starting with a rise in humidity and a drop in efficiency, culminating in the grand spectacle of the compressor burning out and you needing to purchase a new air conditioning system. 

Fortunately, if you notice the signs of something going wrong with the AC and call us for air conditioning repair in Akron, OH, we can repair the trouble before it reaches these extremes. We’ll locate the leaks, seal them, and restore the lost refrigerant. To better understand when refrigerant refilling isn’t the answer, check out why your AC might not need a refrigerant refill.

Today, we would like to dig deeper into the refrigerant leak problem. Some people would like to know how leaks like this get started and if they can take steps to prevent them. Follow us below and we’ll examine the top reasons for refrigerant leaks.

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Does Your AC Need a Refrigerant Refill? Probably Not!

Monday, June 29th, 2020

If you ever hear a so-called “HVAC technician” tell you that it’s time to give your air conditioner a refrigerant refill, run the other direction as fast as you can! This technician either has no idea what they’re talking about or they’re trying to pull a fast one on you.

Unfortunately, people are often confused about how refrigerant in an air conditioning system works. They often assume that refrigerant is a type of fuel and the AC will eventually run low on it. Like an automobile, it needs to have more fuel put in to keep it going.

This isn’t how refrigerant works at all. An AC may at some point require more refrigerant, but this is a repair, not a regular task. We’ll explain below to help you understand when you may need more refrigerant, and why most of the time you won’t.

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