Why the Indoor Air Quality of Homes Is Often Bad

October 18th, 2021

Poor indoor air quality is a serious problem across the country according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA estimates that the air quality inside buildings is, on average, worse than the air outdoors. Low indoor air quality is linked to numerous health complications such as dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, and headaches. Some indoor contaminants can lead to long-term effects and serious illnesses. Unfortunately, the trouble today is worse than in previous decades, which is why many homeowners seek out the help of HVAC professionals to improve the air in their homes.

This may sound odd to you since most people think of unhealthy air as something occurring outside. But modern homes have big trouble with maintaining healthy indoor air quality, and below we’ll talk about why. 

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Is Heating Maintenance Necessary Every Year? YES!

September 20th, 2021
Service Blue Marker

Is it that time of year already? 

Yes, it’s fall—or will be when you read this. That doesn’t mean an instant change in the weather, but it means the change is coming. Time to schedule the most important heating service in Akron, OH of all: an annual maintenance inspection and tune-up.

“Does it have to be annual?” you might ask. “I didn’t have any troubles with my heating system last year, so can I just skip it this time?”

The heater needs this service each year. In fact, you want your heating system to have it annually, even if you don’t know it right now. Below, we’ll explain why regular heating maintenance is both necessary and hugely beneficial.

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What Parts Make a Heat Pump Different From an AC?

September 6th, 2021

The heat pump is a nifty invention based on a simple principle: What if you could cause an air conditioning system to run in reverse, so instead of removing heat from the indoor air and blowing it outside, it would remove heat from the outside air and blow it indoors. Presto! The air conditioner changes from cooling to heating. 

Although it may be a simple concept, heat pumps need to have several special components built into them to allow them to shift from cooling a home to heating it. Below we’re going to look at the parts of a heat pump that make it different from an AC, the parts that let it work as both an air conditioner and a heater. If you’re exploring other efficient heating systems, you might also be interested in the most common geothermal heating repairs to compare the maintenance needs of alternative options.

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Considering Your AC’s Future at the End of Summer

August 23rd, 2021

Fall officially starts in less than a month. But that doesn’t mean the hot weather abruptly stops: you can anticipate more steady work from your AC cooling down your home and keeping your family comfortable for a bit longer.

But as this is the end of the summer, it’s still the right time to analyze how your AC performed over the season. This can help you make some important decisions choices about your cooling system’s future. Maybe you overlooked an important air conditioning repair in Hartville, OH and can schedule it in time to prevent it from becoming more expensive. Or you may realize your AC is ready to retire when the fall cool arrives so you can replace it with a new unit. We’re here to lead you through this process. We promise it doesn’t take long and you’ll have a better understanding of where you and your AC are going.

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How to Tell You Need a New Water Heater

August 9th, 2021

Your home plumbing in Hartville, OH includes the water heater and the hot water lines. You probably couldn’t imagine a home plumbing system without some way to access hot water: many basic daily jobs would become far more difficult, if not impossible.

You don’t want a dying water heater to catch you by surprise on the day it fails for good. It means going without hot water until you can arrange with our expert plumbers to replace it. We work fast, but we know you would rather have the water heater replaced before it breaks down because that means only missing out on hot water for a short time, one you can plan for.

How can you identify that your water heater is nearing the end of its service life? We have some signs to look for so you can get a head start on a timely replacement.

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Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality Like This!

July 26th, 2021

Sorry to break it to you, but your home likely has poor indoor air quality. We don’t know this for 100% certain, but poor IAQ is a major problem across the country in homes and commercial buildings. Because the design of modern homes emphasizes energy efficiency, they often have such “tight” construction that they don’t allow for fresh air circulation. Airborne pollutants from inside sources—and there are many—will start to build up indoors without any way to escape.

You don’t have to just live with bad IAQ. You can help improve the quality of the air you and your family breathe with both simple steps and help from our IAQ professionals. Let’s get into what you can do for healthier indoor air.

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Reasons Your Home Has Low Water Pressure

July 12th, 2021

You turn on a faucet one day, or maybe you’re getting into the shower in the morning, and you discover that the water is only coming out in a trickle. The water pressure has dropped and this isn’t a situation you want to deal with for long. It will interfere with many basic tasks around the house.

In this post, we’re going to look at some of the reasons you’re encountering low water pressure and what can be done about them. You may need the help of a professional plumber in Green, OH, and we have a team of experts who can help. We’re family-owned and look out for our customers, and your satisfaction is guaranteed. If your plumbing concerns go beyond water pressure, check out what causes that knocking noise in your walls for additional insights.

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Why Is My AC Leaking Refrigerant?

June 28th, 2021

We’ve written before about refrigerant leaks in an air conditioner. The short version: they’re bad news. If left unrepaired, loss of refrigerant in an air conditioner will cause a chain of problems, starting with a rise in humidity and a drop in efficiency, culminating in the grand spectacle of the compressor burning out and you needing to purchase a new air conditioning system. 

Fortunately, if you notice the signs of something going wrong with the AC and call us for air conditioning repair in Akron, OH, we can repair the trouble before it reaches these extremes. We’ll locate the leaks, seal them, and restore the lost refrigerant. To better understand when refrigerant refilling isn’t the answer, check out why your AC might not need a refrigerant refill.

Today, we would like to dig deeper into the refrigerant leak problem. Some people would like to know how leaks like this get started and if they can take steps to prevent them. Follow us below and we’ll examine the top reasons for refrigerant leaks.

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How Long Will My AC Last?

May 17th, 2021

A central air conditioning system is a major investment. It may not be the most expensive appliance you have in your home, but it’s a vital part of your family’s comfort and you’ll want to get as many years of cooling as possible before it’s time to replace it. 

But how many years can you reasonably expect your current AC to last? At what point should you start considering a replacement unit?

We can provide some answers to these questions, although when it comes to making a final choice about air conditioning replacement in Akron, OH, please work with professionals. Our team can help you to make a decision, and if it’s to replace the AC, they’ll ensure you get a great new unit that’s matched to your household’s needs. If you’re deciding between repair or replacement, explore our guide on when it’s time to stop AC repairs and get a new one.

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Proper Care for Your Garbage Disposal

May 3rd, 2021

The garbage disposal in your kitchen sink is an easy piece of equipment to take for granted—until it stops working. Then you’ll find how much more cumbersome kitchen tasks are. Any garbage disposal will run down with time and need a replacement, and it’s difficult to avoid all repair issues. But you can give your garbage disposal a long service life with few repairs if you know how best to care for it. And a lot of that is knowing what doesn’t go into the garbage disposal.

We’ll get into the ways to properly take care of your disposal below. When you need help with your kitchen plumbing in Stow, OH, whether it’s to fix or replace the disposal or any other job, count on our experts. We’re here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you’re also dealing with slow-draining sinks, it may be related to improper garbage disposal use or other issues in your kitchen plumbing.

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