Situations That Require Expert Plumbers To Help

June 5th, 2023

Plumbing problems come and go, but some of them are more disruptive than the last. It’s important to know which ones you’re supposed to call the experts for, and which ones you can handle yourself. Today, we’ll focus on the big issues that require an experienced set of hands.

When you’re looking for plumbers in Akron, it’s for a good reason. Let’s talk about what those good reasons might be so you know you’re not worried about that plumbing problem for nothing.

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Should You Repair or Replace Your AC?

May 22nd, 2023

Your air conditioner is on the fritz, so what do you do? Do you call and get it repaired again, or is it time to bring in a new unit to take care of the job? One way or another, you need something to cool down your home–let’s help you figure out what to do.

With our AC services in Hudson, you can either replace or repair your air conditioner, but you don’t want to prematurely spend a lot of money to put a new unit in. Therein lies the rub, so let’s help you figure it out right now. If you’re unsure, you can also explore when it’s time to stop AC repairs and get a new one for additional guidance.

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What Causes That Knocking Noise In Your Walls?

May 8th, 2023

You hear a knocking or banging sound in your walls in the middle of the day when nobody else is around, and you’re concerned. What you’re hearing is an often harmless noise, but it’s definitely happening. This can happen in your pipes sometimes.

Knocking pipes aren’t always a sign of disaster, but you should listen to them and be vigilant. Let’s explore the possibilities surrounding knocking pipes and what causes them so you won’t be caught by surprise if something’s amiss. If you suspect the issue might escalate, check for other signs like extremely high water bills caused by hidden leaks.

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3 Tips For Optimal Ductless System Operation

April 24th, 2023

Ductless systems save you energy, which saves you money. Some homeowners think that their installation is the end of the road for their home energy optimization. Spoiler alert: it’s not. There’s more you can do.

When you have ductless mini splits in Stow, OH, there are three things you can do to get even more out of them. This helps you save energy, money, and may even prevent as many maintenance-related issues in the future. Let’s talk about them.

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Choosing Your Next AC Unit

April 10th, 2023

Picking the right air conditioner for your home isn’t as simple as selecting a picture from a catalog and having a contractor install it. If only it worked that way. There’s an entire process to selecting your next air conditioner.

What you need for air conditioning installation has likely changed from the last time you had this done some 10-15 years ago. There’s new information and best practices to take into consideration, so let’s get into it.

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Choosing Your Next AC Unit

March 27th, 2023

Choosing the right air conditioning unit for your home or business can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not familiar with the different types of AC units available. Let’s explore some of the most important air conditioning installation factors to keep in mind when selecting your next AC unit.

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How to Schedule Air Conditioning Installation

March 13th, 2023

A brand new air conditioning system is a big investment in your home, which is all the more reason why it’s imperative to have it installed correctly and avoid problems. If you’re not sure how to find the right contractors for the job or even how to schedule air conditioning installation, we’ll walk you through the process.

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Why is Water Coming Through My Kitchen Floor?

February 27th, 2023

We’re the plumbers in Akron Ohio who have seen just about every type of plumbing problem possible, but when you think of a plumber, the first thoughts that come to mind may be fixing a sink, toilet, or drain.

What about when water begins to rise through your kitchen floor? It’s a plumbing issue, but where do you even begin to uncover its cause? We know, and the reasons behind rising kitchen water may shock you. If your water bills have also been unusually high, it could indicate hidden leaks causing excessive water usage.

As a note, this is a serious problem that will definitely cause some level of property damage. This requires a fast reaction to mitigate damage and stop the cost of repairs from increasing.

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Can Air Scrubbers Kill COVID-19 in Your Home?

February 13th, 2023

While the time period we often refer to as “The Pandemic” may be over, COVID-19 is still a real threat. At the time of writing this in February of 2023, there were an average of 38,000 hospitalizations and 4,700 ICU patients over a 7-day period.

COVID-19 is still with us and perhaps you’ve wondered if there’s a way you can remove COVID-19 particles from the air in your home to protect yourself and your family. Does an air scrubber kill COVID, or is there no way to do it?

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Are Pipes Knocking Loudly a Big Problem?

January 30th, 2023

You hear pipes knocking in your home, and think nothing of it. It’s just some sounds, right? What harm could it do?

Knocking pipes do not spell immediate disaster, but it’s like your plumbing system saying “Hey, I’ve got something coming down the pipeline.” It’s a precursor.

We don’t want to worry you, but you should have some level of concern regarding knocking pipes. Let’s talk about everything you need to know before you call us for repairs.

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