Why We Recommend AC Maintenance Every Spring

April 19th, 2021

Do you want to get the best from your air conditioning in Stow, OH this coming summer? Maybe that’s a silly question, because why would you want an AC that doesn’t work well, breaks down a few times, and costs too much to run? 

But there’s a simple way to help ensure an AC stays in top shape during the summer that many people forget to do, and that’s regular professional maintenance in spring. When it comes to AC service, spring maintenance is about as important a service as there is, and we want to make sure you know about it so you’ll get the best cooling this summer. To see how this service preps your system, check out getting ready for summer with AC maintenance for detailed tips.

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We Offer Backflow Prevention Testing

April 5th, 2021

The backflow prevention device is a critical part of the plumbing of a commercial building. It does the job of stopping the flow of water from the sewage system into the freshwater system and the creation of a public health hazard. But backflow preventers wear down over time and will eventually fail. Because it’s hard to detect the decline of backflow prevention devices until they completely fail, they must have routine testing done to keep a building up to code.

If your commercial facility receives a municipal notification that you must have your backflow prevention device tested and the results reported, you can’t do the test on your own. The work must be done by a plumber with a special license. We’re the local contractor who handles commercial plumbing in Medina, OH you can trust for this service. 

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Pinhole Leaks Sound Small, But They’re Big Trouble

March 22nd, 2021

Last year we wrote a post about hidden leaks in homes and how they can lead to major trouble with high water bills and water damage. There are many ways leaks can begin in residential plumbing and remain hidden from sight for a long time. One of the most common is the pinhole leak, and we want to shine a spotlight on this problem in today’s post. The more you know about this insidious problem in your plumbing in Medina, OH, the easier it will be for you to spot the signs and call us to take care of it.

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We’re Hiring for Our RV Service Team

March 19th, 2021

If you are interested in joining the Crown Group Ohio team, we’re currently looking to hire an experienced RV technician to work full-time at Buckeye RV. Buckeye RV Service is part of the family-owned Crown Group of Ohio. 

To sign up, please go to our career page or call today at (330) 494-3811.

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Don’t Delay Calling for Heating Repair (Even in March)

March 8th, 2021

The weather can shift rapidly in March and April and, of course, rain is always a possibility. But once the calendar turns over to March, we find that people are far more reluctant to call for heating repair in Akron, OH when their heater is exhibiting any symptoms less dire than a full shutdown. If they’re still getting some heat, it’s easy for them to figure they can “ride out” the rest of the season and worry about getting the repairs done “sometime later.”

You probably know when “sometime later” will be. It will be when the heater actually breaks down. Procrastination is never good when it comes to a valuable part of your house, and especially not with your heater. To avoid unnecessary delays, explore what can I do to fix my heater when it’s not working? for quick troubleshooting tips.

Below are the reasons to always promptly arrange for professional repairs for your heater.


You probably use a natural gas-powered furnace to heat your home, since the majority of residential buildings rely on this type of heating system. Gas furnaces can pose safety hazards if they are neglected: ignoring a seemingly small problem can lead to carbon monoxide leaks in the house or combustion dangers. Even electric furnaces have potential safety issues if signs of malfunctions are ignored. Learn why a damaged heat exchanger is such a big deal and why you should address safety issues immediately.

Avoid emergency breakdowns

You don’t want to get caught during one of those cold days in March and April (you know they’re coming!) with a heating system that won’t work at all. This is a big risk you take when you allow a heating system that’s showing signs of trouble to continue to run. 

Stop bigger or more repairs

The stress put on a heating system when it’s not working correctly will cause the initial problem to start to worsen. This can lead to a breakdown, but even if it doesn’t get that far, it will be a more expensive problem to correct because of a delay. And one repair issue can create others in a chain reaction—something that can happen in any complicated piece of equipment. Either way, you’ll pay more for the repair when you finally get it taken care of than if you had acted earlier. For examples of less common issues, review uncommon furnace repairs you might run into.

Keeps operating costs down

The same stress on the heating system that creates breakdowns and additional repairs will also force the heater to work harder. And that means it will cost more to run. You don’t want to see your heating bills for March and April take a drastic upswing, not when it’s easy to avoid by simply calling for repairs at the first sign of trouble.

Lengthens system life

Allowing a heater to grind away with a malfunction can subtract from its service life, much the same way a car engine is at risk of needing to be replaced if its needs are neglected. Replacing a heater years before its time is expensive, and timely repairs are one of the best ways (along with regular maintenance) to ensure your heater lives up to or beyond its estimated service life.

There’s no need to delay these repairs when you can call us 24/7 for the service you need. We’ll take care of everything.

Call Crown Group Ohio for heating repairs any time of the day or night.

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Why You Must Change the Furnace Filter Regularly

February 22nd, 2021

Your furnace has a dedicated filter, which is usually located in a slot on the site of the furnace’s cabinet where the return air duct connects to the blower. You can easily remove the filter from its slot and replace it. In fact, you need to do this on a regular basis during times when the furnace runs routinely.

People are often confused about the purpose of this filter. They assume that the filter does the job of helping to clean a home’s air. Although it does remove particles that come through the return air ducts, this doesn’t have a major impact on the indoor air quality; for true IAQ improvement, a home needs special dedicated filters. What the furnace filter does is protect the interior of the furnace and the air handler from dust and debris. Learn why annual furnace maintenance is also essential for a long-lasting system. It takes from one to three months for enough material to build up in the filter to the point that it needs to be changed for a clean one.

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Be Cautious of This Major Furnace Problem

February 8th, 2021

It’s important for us in the heating and air conditioning business to reassure customers that their furnaces are not super dangerous. Gas furnaces would never be permitted in homes—let alone millions of homes across the country—if their operation commonly posed a threat to people. 

But it’s important for us to let customers know there are ways a furnace, especially an older one or one that hasn’t gotten regular maintenance, can pose hazards. Keeping up with maintenance can lower the chance of problems like this occurring down to almost nothing, but a bit of knowledge also goes a long way. To understand when it’s time for a new furnace, explore the 50% rule for repair vs. replacement.

In that spirit, we’re going to look at a major furnace problem that can put your household in jeopardy: a cracked heat exchanger.

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“Water Hammer”: The Weird Knocking Sound from Your Pipes

January 25th, 2021

We would wager that 90% of the time someone believes their house is haunted because of strange noises coming from the walls, the problem is actually with the plumbing. Old or faulty plumbing can sometimes make weird or startling sounds. The most common of these noises is known as water hammer, a fearsome sounding name but appropriate because it sounds like a hammer striking against the pipe metal.

What is it, and should you be concerned about it?

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Why Your House Has Cold Spots When the Heater Is On

January 11th, 2021

It’s not supposed to go like this. You know it’s not. You have a central heating system for your house so you can warm up all the rooms at the same time. But now when your heating system comes on, there are rooms that aren’t getting warm enough. Some may feel like iceboxes. Yet other rooms are fine. 

There are always going to be some irregularities between room temperatures in a house, but what you’re experiencing now is uneven heating coming from the HVAC system. That is a major warning that something is amiss. Be cautious of other significant furnace issues.

That’s what we’re about to investigate. For solid answers, you’ll need to call on our professional HVAC technicians. We’ll find out what’s wrong and get it fixed.

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Why Do Pipes Sometimes Burst in Winter?

December 28th, 2020

If you’ve been a homeowner in a cold climate for at least a few winters, you probably already know about the dangers of burst pipes. When the temperatures drop below freezing, the threat level for burst pipes begins to rise. 

We’re familiar with this phenomenon since we’ve handled plumbing in Tallmadge, OH since 1963. We’ve seen our fair share of burst pipes, and so we can tell you about why this happens, as well as what you can do about it and how to avoid it. 

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