It’s always best to have a heating repair done as promptly as possible, as soon as you realize there’s a problem with your heating system. Spotting problems early means keeping repair needs minor, and not allowing issues to worsen until the whole system breaks down. If you notice any odd noises or odors, or you’re simply not able to keep your home warm enough, reach out to a qualified professional!
There’s another sign of heating trouble that you might not know about. It’s called short cycling. What does that mean? It’s when your furnace’s heating cycles are too short. The system turns on and off within moments. Why does it happen? What should you do? We’ll explain.

Causes of Short Cycling
In order to keep you, your home, and your loved ones safe as well as warm, your furnace has some components that are strictly there for the purpose of preventing heating hazards. One of these is called the limit switch. If it gets too hot inside your furnace, the limit switch is activated. This shuts the heating system down automatically, so it won’t start a fire.
Short cycling is when the limit switch turns off the heat, the furnace cools down, the heat comes on again, and the limit switch turns it off, over and over. Why is the limit switch getting triggered? There are a few possible reasons that likely require heating repair in Massillon, OH.
One is lack of airflow, which could be due to a non-working fan or could simply be caused by a clogged furnace air filter. Another is an overheating component raising the temperature inside the furnace, most likely the blower fan motor. Finally, there is the possibility that nothing is getting too hot at all and that your limit switch is simply misfiring.
Effects of Short Cycling
This rapid on-and-off pattern is not good for your furnace. It indicates that a problem already exists, but it can also create entirely new problems! Too much wear and tear occurs from these cycles, which puts extra strain on all the components. It will lead to other repair needs, or even to a shortened furnace lifespan if you allow it to continue!
Also, this pattern dramatically increases the amount of energy your furnace uses. Simply being on uses much less energy than frequently turning on. So every day that your furnace keeps short cycling, your utility bills will go up!
Resolving Short Cycling
Your first port of call is the air filter of your furnace, unless you know it’s been changed in the last week or two. Check and see if it’s clogged with dust or pet hair. If a clean filter doesn’t stop your furnace from short cycling, one of the other issues is at play. For a limited time, we’ll do you a favor and waive the $99 service call fee if you do need a bronze-level repair or more.
Contact Crown Group Ohio today with any questions or to make an appointment.